ivo channel

Channel it through.

This website was established on 12th February 2023 under the name Tell As You Go, but on 29th April 2023, it changed its name to the ivo channel. 

On 10th May 2023 we created its slogan - Channel it through.

 Here you can find the section on blogging, cartoons with several undersections,  short stories that are crime and horror, poems, records of tasted teas and information about different going places under the section Traveler. 

Ivo channel aims to be an entertaining and educational website.

 We hope you will enjoy this website as its target is to be as diverse as possible.

 Thanks for visiting this website and we hope to see you again.

 You are very welcome to contact us at our email - brajens@yahoo.com. When you contact us, please state - ivo channel and the topic you want to talk about. Thank you so much.