

Smell 4/5:  Light chamomile

 Flavour 5/5: Light, bitter, sweet after taste

 Colour 5/5: Golden

 Deposit: Yes

 Infused: 5 min.

 Caffeine-free: Yes

Tea type: Herbal/bags

Manufacturer's advice: Put a tea bag into a cup, add hot, boiled water, and infuse it for 4 – 5 minutes.

Storage: Store in a dry place.

 Price 5/5: £0.51/ 20 (£0.03 per bag)

Price in Euros: €0.60

Weight: 20g

Bags 4/5: They have thought a lot of comfort, putting bags into a mug and adding little strings and a tag on top. On the other hand, bags are not wrapped in separately to keep aroma and flavour fresh.

Package 4/5:  It is a lovely white box with image of chamomile flowers on it and a brand logo.

 Purchased: Maxima/Talsi/Latvia

Manufacturer: EU

Distributor: SIA ‘Inteka’

Additional notes: 100% chamomile

 Acknowledgement: Thanks to my mother (Ritma Bierande) for donating this tea to my Tea House collection

 Tested: Talsi/Latvia

Date: 28/09/23

Cranberry & Raspberry

TEA HOUSE AWARD - The most beautiful tea colour of The Month 

TEA HOUSE AWARD - The most different taste of The Month 

 Smell 4/5:  Vividly sweet, lightly sour, it is not possible to relate this smell with something.

 Flavour 2/5: Sour, unpleasant, tastes like cranberries, sour long-lasting after flavour, reminds me of Vitamin C. There was no possibility of feeling Cranberries.

Comments: Regardless, I rated this tea by giving it two marks, I couldn’t resist awarding this tea with the Taste of the Month award. I would buy this tea in case I would get cold as a wonderful alternative to Vitamin C, otherwise, I would never buy it.

 Colour 5/5: Boldly dark red, burgundy, very beautiful.

 Deposit: Hard to detect

 Infused: 5 minutes

 Caffeine-free: Yes

Tea type: Herbal

Manufacturer's description: This tea is made of gained Hibiscus flowers.

Manufacturer's advice: Put a tea bag into a cup, add hot, boiled water, and infuse it for 4 – 5 minutes.

Storage: Store in a dry place.

 Price /5: £ - / 20

Weight: 35g

Bags 4/5: They have thought a lot of comfort, putting bags into a mug and adding little strings and a tag on top.

Package 4/5:  It is a lovely light pink box with a sharp pink Hibiscus flower on it. On the top of the box, there is a round brand logo with a golden elephant on it.

 Purchased: -

Manufacturer: EU

Distributor: SIA ‘Inteka’

 Acknowledgement: Thanks to my godmother (Anna Tiltiņa) for donating this tea to my Tea House collection

 Tested: Bradford/West Yorkshire/England

Date: 15/09/23


Smell 4/5:  Strong sweet raspberry aroma, I cannot detect cranberries.

Flavour 3/5: Light, raspberry jam, almost impossible to detect flavour, I can feel a tender sour flavour streaming through, it has a sweet long-lasting aftertaste. Over all tea has a very watery taste. I could be much stronger. On the other hand, it is a pretty calming tea.

 Colour 4/5: Burgundy

 Deposit: Yes, but not a lot.

 Infused: 5 min

 Caffeine-free: Yes

Tea type: Herbal

Manufacturer's description: -

Manufacturer's advice: Put a tea bag into a cup, add hot, boiled water, and infuse it for 4 – 5 minutes.

Storage: Store in a dry place.

 Price /5: £ - / 20 tea bags 

 Weight: 34g

Bags 4/5: They have thought a lot of comfort, putting bags into a mug and adding little strings and a tag on top.

Package 4/5:  It is a lovely box in a light pink colour with berry images on it, placing the brand’s logo with an elephant on the top.

Purchased: -

Manufacturer: EU

Distributor: SIA ‘Inteka’

Additional notes: 100% hibiscus flowers. 

Member species are renowned for their large, showy flowers and those species are commonly known simply as "hibiscus", or less widely known as rose mallow. Other names include hardy hibiscus, rose of Sharon, and tropical hibiscus. (based on Google search).

Acknowledgement: Thank my godmother (Anna Tiltņa) for donating this tea to my Tea House collection.

Tested: Bradford/West Yorkshire/England

Date: 15/09/23